Leo District 322B1 Constitution



This organization shall be known as Leo District 322B1.



To provide an administrative structure with which to advance the purposes and objects of the Leo club program in this district.


District Organization

Requirements and Boundaries

When six or more Leo clubs are sponsored by Lions clubs in a Lions district (single or sub) and recognized by The International Association of Lions Clubs, the district governor of the said Lions district (single or sub) may approve the formation of a corresponding Leo district. The territorial boundaries of the Leo district shall coincide with the boundaries of the respective Lions district (single or sub).

  1. Membership
  2. The members of this organization shall be all officially recognized Leo clubs sponsored by Lions clubs in said Lions district (single or sub).
  3. Whenever the male gender or pronoun presently appears in the Standard Leo District Constitution and By-Laws, it shall be interpreted to mean both male and female persons.
  4. Leo District Officers
  5. Leo District President

An election for the office of Leo district president shall be held at each annual Leo district conference.

  1. Qualifications:

(1) Be an active member in good standing of recognized Leo club in good standing in her/his single or sub-district.

(2) Have served, or will have served at the time he/ she takes office as Leo district president, as president of a Leo club for a full term or major portion thereof.

(3) Secure the endorsement of the:

(a) Leo club of which the nominee is a member; and

(b) Sponsoring Lions club.

(4) Will not reach an age one year greater than the maximum age limit during their term in office.

  1. Election:

(1) Nominations:

Nominations to the office of Leo district president shall be by written nomination of any duly qualified member, such nomination to be in writing to reach the Leo district secretary at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening of the Leo district conference.

No nomination shall be in order, which is not so made and received. Nominations for the office of Leo district president shall be made by any recognized Leo club in good standing in the respective district.

In the event no written nominations are so made or no duly nominated candidate stands for election at the date of the Leo district conference, nominations of any qualified Leo for Leo district president may be made by any delegate from the floor of the district conference, provided the eligibility of the candidate(s) is confirmed.

(1) Election

The election of the Leo district president shall be by secret ballot, the following provisions applying thereto:

(a) In the event there are only two (2) nominees, the nominee obtaining the majority of votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie, voting shall continue until one nominee receives such majority.

(b) In the event there are three (3) or more nominees, the one receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If no nominee receives such majority on the first ballot, then balloting shall continue until one nominee receives such majority, provided that the nominee receiving the least number of votes on any ballot shall be dropped from the succeeding ballot.

© In the event there is but one (1) nominee, then by majority vote the printed ballot rule may be suspended and a unanimous voice vote may be cast in favor of the said single nominee.

  1. Leo District Vice President

An annual election for the office of Leo district vice president shall be held at each district conference. The qualifications for said office and the procedure for nomination and election thereto shall be the same as prescribed for the office of Leo district president.

Dual Nominations

A Leo may be nominated and elected to the offices of district president and district vice president at the same district conference, but may not serve in both offices at the same time. Such nominee’s elimination in balloting for one such office shall not prohibit inclusion on the ballot for the other office. If elected to both, such nominee must thereon refuse one such office and balloting shall continue anew with respect to all other nominees for the office refused.

  1. Vacancies

In the event a vacancy shall occur in the office of Leo district president, the Leo district vice president shall automatically advance to and fill said office. In the event the Leo district vice president refuses to serve in the office of Leo district president for any reason, the district Leo club chairperson shall fill the vacancy created by such refusal by appointment for the unexpired term.

  1. Other Leo District Officers

The Leo district president shall appoint, by the time office is taken, a Leo district secretary and a Leo district treasurer and such other district officers as may be desired by a Leo district conference or by the Leo district council from time to time and as approved by the Lions district cabinet.

Leo District Council

There shall be a Leo district council composed of the Leo district president, the district vice president, the Leo district secretary, the Leo district treasurer, the presidents of each Leo club in the district (or a delegated representative from each club), and such other Leo district officers as may be appointed by the Leo district president. Each Leo council officer shall have one vote. The Lion appointed as district Leo club chairperson shall serve as an advisory, non-voting member.

  1. District Leo Club Chairperson

Besides serving as an advisory, non-voting member of the Leo district council, the district Leo club chairperson shall also serve as the official liaison between the Lions district cabinet and the Leo district council. He shall report to the Lions district cabinet all resolutions of the Leo district conference.


Leo District Conference

  1. A Leo district conference shall be held annually with the approval of the Lions district cabinet. If this Leo district is a part of a Leo multiple district, such conference shall be held not less than 30 days prior to the Leo multiple district conference.
  2. The location of the annual Leo district conference shall be determined by a previous annual Leo district conference. The date and time of the Leo district conference shall be determined by the current Leo district council. A committee appointed by the Leo district council shall plan the Leo district conference in cooperation with the district Leo club chairperson.

C . Each recognized Leo club in good standing in the district shall be entitled to one voting delegate for each ten members of the club in good standing or major fraction thereof. The major fraction referred to in this section shall be five or more members. Delinquent dues may be paid and good standing acquired at any time prior to the close of credential certification, as such closing time shall be established by the rules of the respective conference. A vote may be cast only by a delegate present in person at the time of voting and no delegate may cast more than one vote on any question.

  1. A majority of the delegates present in person at any session shall constitute a quorum.
  2. A simple majority vote of delegates present in person at a session shall be sufficient for the adoption or rejection of any resolution before the conference. All action by a Leo district conference shall be subject to countermanding and rejection by action of the Lions district cabinet or by action of said International Board of Directors, alone, in either of which events such action shall be null and void and of no force and effect.


Leo District Funds

  1. To provide revenue to defray the administrative expenses of this Leo district, an annual per capita tax of Rs. 300/- shall be levied upon each member of each club in the Leo district, subject to the approval of the Lions district cabinet.

The levy shall be collected and paid in advance by each Leo club to the Leo district secretary. The frequency and dates for such payments shall be determined by the respective Leo district conference.

All taxes so levied and collected shall be administered through a Leo district administration fund. Expenditures therefrom shall be for such items only as are approved by the Leo district council, which council shall not incur any financial liability in excess of funds realized in the fiscal year in which it serves.

  1. A banking account shall be opened for the purpose of receiving monies and all checks and negotiable instruments drawn thereon shall be signed by the Leo district secretary and countersigned by a designee of the district governor.
  2. The Leo district council shall provide for an annual audit of the Leo district accounts by an auditor appointed by the Leo district council. Audited balance sheets and income and expenditure accounts for the previous fiscal year shall be submitted at each annual district conference, and to the Lions district cabinet.
  3. Any undeposited Leo district administration fund collections remaining at the end of each fiscal year shall be turned over forthwith to the incoming Leo district president’s council by the person or persons holding the same, and such collections together with any Leo district administration fund account balances then remaining shall be considered as funds realized by the incoming Leo district council.



Only the titles designated in this constitution may be used by Leo district officers.



The Leo district council shall present, and Leo district conference shall adopt, such bylaws as are deemed necessary to the efficient operation of said Leo district provided, however, that all such by-laws shall be consistent with the provisions of this constitution and shall be approved by the Lions district cabinet, and shall be approved by the board of directors of Lions Clubs International or its designee. Any by-laws or amendments hereto, which shall contravene any provision of this constitution or action of said board of directors or its designee shall be null and void and of no effect.



  1. This Leo district shall cease to exist upon the first to occur of the following:
  2. Vote of the said Leo district to terminate.
  3. Receipt by the Leo district president of written notice of the withdrawal of sponsorship by the Lions district cabinet.
  4. Receipt by the Leo district president of a written notice of cancellation by The International Association of Lions Clubs.
  5. By virtue of this termination, provided in Section A, all rights and privileges relating to the use of the Leo name and the Leo emblem on a district level shall thereon be relinquished and surrendered by the members of said district, individually or collectively. All monies on deposit to the credit of said Leo district shall be remitted to the Lions district cabinet.



This constitution may be amended only by action of the Board of Directors of Lions Clubs International and all amendments when so adopted shall automatically amend and become provisions of this constitution.


The fiscal year of this Leo district shall run from July 1 to June 30.


Amendments and additions in

Leo District Constitution of Leo District 3228 1

  1. Article III Section C 1 a (Addition in qualification)

(4) has served as a Leo Council member for a full term of association’s fiscal year or major portion thereof.

Article III Section C l(b) 1 (Change in time of sending nomination) Nominations to the office of Leo district president shall be written nomination of any duly qualified member , such nomination of any duly qualified member, such nomination to be in writing to reach the Leo district secretary at least (15) days prior to the opening of the Leo District Conference. No nomination shall be in order which is not so made and received.

  1. Article IV Section D (Change in quorum of Annual Conference)

At least 10 or 50% of the authorised delegates, whichever is higher, is required to constitute the Quorum of a Leo District Conference.

  1. Article IV Section F

District President and all the Past Leo District Presidents of this Leo District 322B1, who are Leo members in good standing belonging to a club in good standing, at the time of Leo District Conference are entitle to cast one vote each.

  1. Article V Section A

To provide revenue to defray the administrative expenses of the district, an annual per capita tax of Rs. 300 shall be levied upon each member of each club in the Leo district, subject to the approval of the Lions district cabinet. Such levy shall be restricted to Rs. 200 for all such new members who will join any club after the lapse of at least six months out of a full term of association’s fiscal year in the first year of joining only.

Article V. Section B

“A banking account shall be opened for the purpose of receiving monies and all checks and negotiable instruments drawn thereon shall be signed by the officers appointed by the then Leo District Council. At any point of time there shall be no less than two (2) signatories for the aforesaid account.

Article V. Section C

The Leo District Council shall provide for an annual audit of the Leo District accounts by an auditor appointed by the Leo District Council. Audited accounts for the previous fiscal year shall be submitted and adopted at each annual district conference.

Resolutions in the 13th Annual Leo District Conference on 12th May 2019 was approved by the house.

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